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Saving and Checkpoint System

Time to give flexibility to the user to play the game moreeasily. As the game is becoming bigger, it becomes annoying when game starts...

Game Engineering Blog Posts

Visual Studio Solution Setup and Asset Build System Lua Integration with C++, OpenGL and DirectX Difference Index/Vertex Buffer and Cross...

Analysis System

This is an analysis system which I created to analyse the tenure of the played game by the various users. It's on its own is a small...

Feedback System

This is very simplistic system meant to provide feedback in the game. The idea was to give an option for the beta version users to...

Circular AI -bhavior

Initially, I created a basic wandering behavior for the NPCs in the game. But with the new changes in the game design and requirement,...

Halau -Extended

Halau System which I created for the previous builds was test system. Integrating in the game was not easy as it requiring more UI and...

Halau - Information System

Halau, is a small system giving information about the various Gods which can be seen by the players/user upon some event (yet to be...

Chasing is Fun - Basic AI

Chasing the player is very common in most of the Games - especially RPG games. The basic idea of the Chasing AI is to chase the...

No More Ochre - Its Maui

Ochre was the game which we were building from the second semester of the class. The novel game idea was to deliver a cultural narration...


Ochre is the game selected by the industry panels to proceed as a thesis project. The game has a unique controlling mechanics which makes...

Through the Lens

Through the Lens(War Journalist) is the game idea chosen by the faculty to prototype until the Industry Panel day. Throught the Lens is...

GDC Experience

Game Developer Conference -2015 was one of the nice experience for me; from the presentation on the latest technology under the hood of...

Thesis Game Selection

The beginning of the semester started with thesis game idea. All of the students told to come up with the idea either individually or...

Conduit - ElectroMag

This was the last prototype and all were excited to give their best in it. There was subtle change in this prototype; we were allowed to...

Ebola Training Centre by Team CroIndia

This was our third prototype after Fall Break. In this prototype, we have been asked to design a serious games. Serious games are games...

Lipo Lab

In this prototype, we have been asked to create a mod of arcade game published before 1985. All of our team members searched and...

Bat Sim

This was the first prototype of the semester. We have been said, we will be making different games throughout the semester in the class....

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