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  • Writer's pictureAmit Prakash

Conduit - ElectroMag

This was the last prototype and all were excited to give their best in it. There was subtle change in this prototype; we were allowed to choose our team members and we come up with this team.

Another best part was we can develop whatever we want to build. This seems easy, but it is hard when we start to coming up with the idea. We almost took two hours discussing on what to build. Our producer, Cameron, came up with the interesting idea of making a game based on a mechanics, Electromagnetism. The game mechanics was based on influence of a charge particle when it goes into magnetic field. And it works according to left hand thumb rule.

After a one and half week, we came up with the basic build. Interestingly, we finish up the basic working build within three weeks. The game was looking beautiful with art and particle systems. Our game was needing few good levels; Thanks to Cameron and Omey for designing two good levels. We polished the game as per the first game play feedback from Roger.

Best part with this prototype was that we were showing our games to the EAE open house event. In the event, we got positive feedback and most of the gamers liked the game mechanics.

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