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Shading is a process of giving the color to the pixels using a particular lighting model. In this project we were asked to shade the scene using Blinn-Phong Model. There are mainly two commonly used lighting models - Phong Model and Blinn-Phong Model. Both models have similar components except of the specular component. Phong Model uses View vector to calculate the specular Component. On the other hand, Blinn-Phong, calculates the specularity using Half Vector which is nothing but a normalized combined components of Light Vector and View Vector.

Current Results

Ambient Component

Diffuse Component

Specular Component

Previous Results

Ambient Component

Diffuse Component

Specular Component

Rendered Scene - Render Time 3.57 ms on Single Thread

Rendered Z-Buffer Scene - Render Time 1.996 ms on Single Thread

System Information


CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz

Memory: 24 Gb DDR3 @ 1600 MHz


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