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  • Writer's pictureAmit Prakash

Thesis Game Selection

The beginning of the semester started with thesis game idea. All of the students told to come up with the idea either individually or with the team. Among all the game ideas, faculty were to choose some of them after judging the pitches of the game. I came up with game based on Social Attitude - "The Uncertain". The idea was to design and develop game levels based on the player social attitude.

For e.g. Some people like spiders and some are not - the game will response differently to both players in a different way.

After all of the game pitches were seen by the faculties, they selected

1. Game Based on Binaural Sounds

2. Order And Chaos

3. Reload 360

4. Cave of Shadows

5. Jello


7. War Journalist

8. The Color of Sound

We were given two and half weeks to choose any of the choosen game and start working on it for the prototype. After the prototype chosen game would be shown to the industry panel who will provide their feedback about the game and score them. I chose to work on War Journalist.

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