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  • Writer's pictureAmit Prakash

No More Ochre - Its Maui

Ochre was the game which we were building from the second semester of the class. The novel game idea was to deliver a cultural narration using some unique mechanics. The unique mechanics of the game was to give an experience of augmented reality along with the narration.

In last semester, we created various mechanics in the game based on the augmented reality. The downside of that was that we were using augmented reality SDK called Metaio. Metaio was easy to use and was supporting almost all platforms due to its integration with the Unity.

Recently, before the beginning of the Fall semester, one of our teammates found that the Metaio has been acquired by Apple Inc. Apple acquisition retracted all the support and license of the development Kit.

With prolonging email dicussions with Faculties and team meetings, we finally stick with our core game idea - telling the cultural narration with the augmented reality. The downside was we need to start again from the scratch.

One of our team members found Augmented Reality SDK called Max AR, using which we start building the AR based game mechanics (tracking, rotation). Afte a decent hard work of everyone during the summer, we had the game to show up on the first presentation to faculties in the Fall semester.

Unlike to the expectation, everyone liked the idea as we haven't changed it much - it was just the technology. Now, we are trying to tell a Hawaiian cultural story about their four Gods. Game is about a journey of boy to mountains which he can't complete without salvation to the Gods. We are trying to accomodate the AR mini game levels at this point. Moreover, it is more compelling to use AR games during the interaction with God as interaction with God will definitely be different than the interaction to human characters.

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